All the demanding work put in by youths and their families in preparing animals for the upcoming Andrews County Junior Livestock Show & Sale is about to pay off.
The AHS High Choirs will present their Christmas Concert on Monday, December 9th. The Concert will begin at 7:00 pm in the Concert Hall and will feature Chorale Men, Chorale Women, BlackGold, and the A Cappella Choir.
By Beth Boone You’ve seen the commercials and the ads about Annual Enrollment for Medicare and Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace. Are any of what they say actually true? The short answer is “maybe.” Let’s look at truths and myths of Medicare and Marketplace plans Are these plans talked about in these commercials really good for me?
An Odessa man who allegedly caused a knife laceration to a man’s face during an altercation outside a N. Main St. convenience store in Andrews in August was recently indicted by an Andrews Grand Jury.